How to Scrape TikTok: A Comprehensive Guide

Scraping data from platforms like TikTok can be incredibly useful for gathering insights, tracking trends, and analyzing engagement. However, the TikTok API has several restrictions that limit what data you can access and how frequently you can query it. For this reason, web scraping becomes a viable solution, as long as it is done in compliance with TikTok’s Terms of Service.

In this guide, we'll walk through the process of using Ujeebu to scrape TikTok. Examples include scraping TikTok videos, comments, and follower counts, while discussing methods to handle anti-scraping mechanisms.

TikTok's Terms of Service prohibit unauthorized scraping. Specifically, it grants users:

"a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, worldwide license to access and use the Services... solely for your personal, non-commercial use and solely in compliance with these Terms."

This means that scraping TikTok without permission is not allowed. Violations could result in account suspension or legal action. Always ensure that scraping activities comply with local laws and TikTok’s terms. For a detailed exploration of web scraping legality, see Ujeebu’s article on Is Web Scraping Legal?.

Using Ujeebu to Scrape TikTok

Ujeebu's API is designed to handle JavaScript-heavy content, proxy rotation, and scrolling, making it ideal for extracting data from platforms like TikTok. However it's important to note that you will need to be familiar with the markup used by TikTok to be able to know what part of the HTML code to extract. Furthermore sites like TikTok might change their markup often to discourage auto scrapers.

Here’s a basic example of how to scrape TikTok using Ujeebu to get a video description:

import requests

# API base URL
url = ""

# Request options
params = {
    'js': "true",
    'proxy_type': "advanced",  # Use advanced proxies to avoid rate limits
    'response_type': "json",
    'scroll_down': "true",  # Scroll down to load dynamic content
    'url': "",
    'json': "true",
    'extract_rules': {
        "description": {
            "selector": "meta[property='og:description']",
            "type": "attr",
            "attribute": "content"

# Request headers
headers = {
    'ApiKey': "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Send request
response =, json=params, headers=headers)


Scraping TikTok Comments

TikTok dynamically loads comments as the user scrolls down, making it necessary to simulate this behavior to scrape all the available comments. Here’s how to scrape TikTok comments using Ujeebu:

import requests

# API base URL
url = ""

# Request options
params = {
    'js': "true",
    'proxy_type': "advanced",
    'response_type': "json",
    'scroll_down': "true",  # Simulate scrolling to load all comments
    'url': "",
    'json': "true",
    'extract_rules': {
        "comments": {
            "selector": ".comment-text",  # Adjust this selector to match TikTok's HTML structure
            "type": "text"

# Request headers
headers = {
    'ApiKey': "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Send request
response =, json=params, headers=headers)


This script simulates scrolling to ensure that all comments are loaded before scraping them.

Scraping TikTok Followers

Tracking the follower count on TikTok is essential for analyzing growth and engagement metrics. Here's how to scrape the number of followers from a TikTok profile using Ujeebu:

import requests

# API base URL
url = ""

# Request options
params = {
    'js': "true",
    'proxy_type': "advanced",  # Use proxies to avoid detection
    'response_type': "json",
    'url': "",
    'json': "true",
    'extract_rules': {
        "followers_count": {
            "selector": "strong[data-e2e='followers-count']",  # Selector for follower count
            "type": "text"

# Request headers
headers = {
    'ApiKey': "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Send request
response =, json=params, headers=headers)


Circumventing TikTok’s Anti-Scraping Mechanisms

TikTok uses several anti-scraping measures that you need to be aware of:

  1. Rate Limiting: TikTok limits the number of requests from a single IP in a given timeframe. To avoid being rate-limited, use rotating proxies, especially residential or mobile IPs.
  2. Dynamic Content: TikTok loads much of its content dynamically through JavaScript. Ujeebu can handle this by using headless browsing to render JavaScript. Learn more about headless browsers.
  3. Browser Fingerprinting: TikTok may detect scraping activities by tracking browser characteristics like screen resolution, headers, and installed plugins. You can evade detection by using techniques to randomize browser fingerprints. Learn more about browser fingerprinting.

Each of these measures can be addressed responsibly and ethically using Ujeebu's scraping capabilities.

Ethical Considerations in Scraping TikTok

When scraping TikTok data, it’s important to follow ethical guidelines:

  • Do not scrape private or personal data without explicit consent.
  • Be mindful of the rate at which you send requests to avoid overloading TikTok’s servers.
  • Ensure compliance with copyright laws and TikTok’s Terms of Service.

For more insights into the legal aspects of web scraping, visit Ujeebu’s article: Is Web Scraping Legal?.


Scraping TikTok can provide valuable insights into content performance, audience engagement, and trends, but it’s crucial to adhere to TikTok’s Terms of Service and ethical practices. Ujeebu simplifies the process of scraping dynamic content while handling anti-scraping measures like rate limiting and browser fingerprinting.