We've noticed a problem with parsing articles from FAZ (one of the most popular news sites in Germany).
The issue manifests itself only with 'premium' articles with limited access (like this one - https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/die-boerse-liebt-brasiliens-praesidenten-jair-bolsonaro-15999140.html). For 'premium' articles, FAZ doesn't display the full text, only a short excerpt, and we expect that Lexper parses correctly only this short excerpt (this is how Diffbot handles it).
However, when I try to parse such restricted article, Lexper returns some strange gibberish (link - https://lexper.com/demo?api=extract&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.faz.net%2Faktuell%2Fwirtschaft%2Fdie-boerse-liebt-brasiliens-praesidenten-jair-bolsonaro-15999140.html&js=0&media=0&feeds=0).