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Article Extraction
Intermittent 400 Error with Request Retries
Extract incomplete content of the page
I can't get the correct image link in the pages below via the API
Extraction is incomplete
& instead of &
GQ articles are being cut off at the first wide ad
strange issue with TechCrunch articles (consent form)
"New Yorker" articles getting cut
API accepting HTML instead of the URL?
Initial paragraphs of "The Atlantic" removed
Parsing speed
handling of canonical URL information
Ability to parse an article in case of redirections
Initial paragraphs of Medium article are omitted
Incorrectly defined author for articles from Mr.Money Mustache blog
The comments section is handled as a part of article body
Final paragraphs in Vanity Fair articles getting cut
The restricted articles from FAZ are parsed incorrectly (gibberish)
multi-page support