Product information like prices, descriptions, and reviews are crucial for market analysis, dynamic pricing, and inventory management. However, manually extracting this data from multiple sources can be time-consuming and error-prone. Automation provides the ability to:

  • Gather data from multiple competitors efficiently
  • Monitor price fluctuations in real-time
  • Optimize marketing and sales strategies based on up-to-date data

Traditionally, developers would write complex web scraping scripts to gather product information. But with ChatGPT, even non-programmers can get started on generating functional scripts.

In this article, we explore how ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, can assist in automating the process of product data extraction—what it can and cannot do—and how businesses can combine AI-generated scripts with more advanced tools like Ujeebu for seamless web data acquisition.

How ChatGPT Assists in Product Information Extraction

1. Generating Web Scraping Scripts

ChatGPT can assist in generating Python-based web scraping scripts using libraries like Scrapy or BeautifulSoup. For instance, you can prompt ChatGPT - `create a script that extracts product name, price, and description from competitors' websites using scrapy`

It will generate the following code along with all the step by step instructions, also a detailed explanation of each and every line of this code.

import scrapy

class ProductSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "products"
    # Add the list of competitors' URLs you want to scrape
    start_urls = [
        # Add more URLs if needed

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract the links to individual product pages from the category page
        product_links = response.css('a.product-link::attr(href)').getall()
        for link in product_links:
            # Join the relative URL to the base URL if necessary
            yield response.follow(link, self.parse_product)
    def parse_product(self, response):
        # Extract product name
        product_name = response.css('h1.product-title::text').get().strip()

        # Extract product price
        product_price = response.css('span.price::text').get().strip()

        # Extract product description
        product_description = response.css('div.product-description p::text').getall()
        product_description = ' '.join([desc.strip() for desc in product_description])

        # Store the extracted information
        yield {
            'name': product_name,
            'price': product_price,
            'description': product_description,

This code snippet, generated by ChatGPT, scrapes essential information like the product name, price, and description from a given list of websites. You can even specify the website you want to scrape Data or ask to add pagination, it will return a basic script.

However, It is important to note, it may sometimes return responses that are factually incorrect or inconsistent with reality. This phenomenon, known as the "hallucination problem," can affect the accuracy of the generated code snippets. To mitigate this issue, it's crucial to review and verify code yourself, as ChatGPT is not equipped to test the scripts it generates.

2. Simplifying the Learning Curve

For non-programmers or those new to web scraping, ChatGPT provides detailed explanations for each step of the code. This makes it easier to modify and adapt the script based on individual requirements.

For example, ChatGPT can help explain how to modify the CSS selectors to scrape data from different websites or how to schedule regular scraping using Scrapy’s built-in scheduling capabilities, implement pagination. It can be used as a great learning tool if you are new to web scraping.

3. Planning the Data Extraction

Beyond code generation, ChatGPT can assist in planning the scope of a web scraping project. It helps users define the requirements by prompting questions such as:

  • What data points need to be extracted?
  • Which websites should be scraped?
  • How frequently should the data be updated?

This level of planning ensures that the scraper meets your business needs, whether it's tracking competitor prices or pulling product information for e-commerce analysis.

ChatGPT’s Limitations in Automating Product Data Extraction

ChatGPT has notable limitations when it comes to automating the entire large scale web scraping process:

Execution and Testing

ChatGPT cannot execute or test the scripts it generates. After receiving a code snippet from ChatGPT, users must manually test and validate the code in their development environment to ensure it works as expected. Moreover, while ChatGPT can generate basic scraping code, it lacks the depth required for large-scale data extraction projects.

Handling Complexities of Large-Scale Projects

For simple websites or for learning projects, ChatGPT’s generated code may suffice. But for large-scale projects or dynamic websites, you’ll need additional tools and write custom code such as:

  • Advanced selectors: Hand-coding specific CSS or XPath selectors to accurately target the data points.
  • Rotating proxies: Implementing rotating IP addresses to avoid detection and prevent getting blocked.
  • Anti-ban measures: Adding features like user-agent rotation and session management to bypass anti-bot mechanisms on target websites.
  • Javascript Rendering: add headless browser tool to extract data hidden in javascripts.

ChatGPT can provide general guidance on the legal aspects of web scraping, but it is not equipped to offer legal advice tailored to your project. Users must ensure that their scraping activities comply with laws such as copyright, privacy policies, and the terms of service of the websites they scrape.

Enhancing ChatGPT-Generated Scripts with Ujeebu

For larger-scale data extraction projects, ChatGPT’s output can be combined with more advanced tools like Ujeebu, which provides built-in solutions for handling IP bans, CAPTCHAs, and dynamic content rendering using headless browsers.

Ujeebu’s API offers robust solutions that complement ChatGPT's script generation capabilities to perform the following:

  • Anti-ban strategies: automatic rotating proxies and user-agent to avoid IP blocking and ensure uninterrupted access during scraping.
  • Handling dynamic content: Leverage in-built headless browsers techniques to extract data from JavaScript-heavy websites. Ujeebu’s JavaScript injection capabilities allow you to automate actions on any webpage, render the results, and verify the presence of specific elements.
  • Data extraction versatility: Easily extract a wide range of data, including leads, reviews, real estate listings, stock information, flight details, contact information, and more, with minimal coding required.
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance: Continuously monitor websites for changes to ensure your scraper remains operational as sites evolve over time.
  • Integrated machine learning: Ujeebu Scrape API’s rule-based parameters efficiently target specific content on any website. Use the extracted data to train machine learning models for tasks like classification, recognition, or computer vision applications.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT in Product Information Extraction

  1. Use ChatGPT as a Starting Point: Let it generate basic scripts and ideas, but be prepared to refine and optimize.
  2. Combine with Specialized Tools: For large-scale projects, consider using ChatGPT in conjunction with dedicated web scraping tools like Ujeebu API.
  3. Verify and Test: Always thoroughly test and verify the scripts generated by ChatGPT before using them in production.
  4. Stay Legal and Ethical: Ensure your web scraping activities comply with legal and ethical standards. Consult with legal professionals when in doubt.
  5. Continuous Learning: Keep up with the latest web scraping techniques and best practices to supplement ChatGPT's capabilities.


ChatGPT represents a significant leap forward in automating aspects of product information extraction. While it can't fully automate the process, it can dramatically reduce the time and effort required to set up and maintain web scraping projects. By understanding its capabilities and limitations, e-commerce businesses can leverage ChatGPT to stay competitive in an increasingly data-driven marketplace.

Remember, the key to successful product information extraction lies not just in the tools you use, but in how you apply them. For scaling web scraping operations, combining ChatGPT with a scraping API like Ujeebu, ScraperAPI or Zyte among others.

ChatGPT is a powerful ally, but it's your expertise and strategic thinking that will ultimately drive your success in e-commerce web data extraction projects.